Knight Aviation & Logistics Monthly Newsletter

By Jenna Gillespie, Business Development & Account Services
“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible”
I have had that quote posted on my office wall for nearly 5 years.
As I took it down and packed up our office to start working from home in March, my usually positive character was tested.
Seemingly overnight, the world flipped on its side with the impact from Covid-19, and that once optimistic quote, suddenly felt less ambitious.
It read more like “When NOTHING is certain….ANYTHING ABSOLUTELY CRAZY IS POSSIBLE!”.
Impacted as a world community, we all had (and continue to have) varied yet common experiences managing the cliche’d ‘New Normal’.
New work from home, learn from home and general be at home protocols were a full throttle upheaval of an adjustment (understatement?).
Maybe you also tacked on a lay-off, mental wellness challenges and a grim economic outlook. Or maybe you suffered symptoms or had Covid-19. You may also still be feeling the
sludge of this pandemic. I know I am.
However, My inner Polly-Anna is working hard to remind me that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Our clients and vendors are starting to get back to the office, and the minimal 2-day quarantine when returning to Alberta is welcome news and hopefully a sign of more positive things to come.
Among all this year has taught us, the importance of communication tops the list. With that, we have created ‘Collaboration’, our monthly ‘chin wag’.
Less like a newsletter and more like a pal reaching out to see how you’re doing, we will talk about topics that matter to us and our collective industries. Our hope is that this helps keep us connected, in a positive way.
It’s not over yet, we know that. While we continue to push through, I invite you to consider that “When NOTHING is certain, anything GOOD is possible”.

Jenna Heacock (Gillespie)
Feedback or inquiries? We’d love to hear from you!