Knight Aviation & Logistics Monthly Newsletter

By Jenna Gillespie, Business Development & Account Services
I’ve got to be honest with you. Covid Fatigue settled in like an unwelcome guest in November.
As I started watching Christmas movies to find some early holiday joy (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, of course!), I could only compare it Cousin Eddie’s RV parked in Clark’s driveway “It’s a good looking’ vehicle ain’t it. But don’t you go falling in love with it, because we’re taking it with us when we leave NEXT MONTH”.
Please Covid Fatigue, chug your eggnog, and leave!
This fatigue pushed me unwillingly through personal and professional ups and downs. Some days, I am positive, motivated, and incredibly reflective and grateful. Other days, purpose and meaning are nowhere to be found and I am happy to
get just one item checked off my to-do list.
Waiting on Jason Kenney’s address to the Province of Alberta regarding a second shut down last week had me on edge. Normally, I would pick up the phone with a cheerful “Hello, Jenna speaking!”. This week, I found myself making return calls apologizing for my impatient tone.
Not my finest week of anxiety management.
Whether your ebbs and flows cycle on a daily or weekly basis, I am sure most (or all) of you reading this have felt some symptoms of this fatigue.
Managing anxiety and depression is not a new task for me, and with that experience, I have been able to place a few tools in my belt to help with these low moments.
In my personal life, I try to exercise, running being my movement of choice.
I do my best to eat well, however some days that means giving in to an extra piece of pizza. Keeping in touch with friends and family is always helpful, as I’ve never underestimated the power of a great conversation. But sometimes the most effective means of improving a hard day is to complete a task. Trust me when I say that even cleaning a dirty toilet can turn your day right around!
Most recently, walking my quickly growing St. Bernard puppy, ‘Cessna’ has been a helpful task. He doesn’t fix everything, but his inability to connect his puppy brain with the size of his body is quite comical. For a short moment in the day, it is nice to look at that fuzzball and think “well, at least I’m not chasing my tail…like THAT guy!”
Professionally, I find the same tools to keep me grounded in our service-driven environment.
To eat well, nutritionally, is one thing. But to eat well mentally is another. When our team decided it was safe to work together again, I was most happy to re-establish our lunch breaks.
We have always eaten lunch together. Every one of us. At a table. And we talk. About anything EXCEPT work. There are only a few topics that are off-limits:
Politics and Weather.
This rule is often ignored. You can’t go a day in aviation without talking about the weather, and politics is much like the weather; Ever changing and unpredictable. Regardless of the topic, taking time for this break in the day is something that we, as a team, value in the operation of our business.
As mentioned, I never underestimate the power of a good conversation. Keeping in touch with our clients, prospects and vendors always keeps me engaged and inspired. It’s a chance to brainstorm, solve a problem, or just catch up. Sometimes, I find, it ends up as an opportunity for people to get something off their mind. Just because our relationships are professional, doesn’t mean I don’t have an ear for those who need to air some grievances. As you will often hear me say, “I’m happy to help” in any way I can.
Possibly the most important tool in my belt is completing a task.
It's O.K. to ask...
If you’re having a hard time coping with addiction, mental health, or the pressures that Covid-19 has placed on you,
please visit the Alberta Health Services website or ask a friend or loved one for help.
This has helped me re-establish some solid ground during this unpredictable year.
As most of our clients scaled back their service requirements due to travel restrictions, we happily assisted them through the development and implementation of new processes. Other clients and prospects were hesitant to move forward with project planning due to ever-changing information, project restrictions, delayed start dates, and political uncertainties. We have been helping them get ahead of the game, planning as if the project is a go!
Focusing on a purpose and manifesting a positive outcome has not only been therapeutic, but productive. We have set our clients and ourselves up for when restrictions are lifted and awards for work given. Then, we can help them hit the ground running. This planning has also given some positive incentive and hope.
We’ve also included my pup in our work environment. He’s (by far) the laziest employee we’ve ever had, but contributes fully to our team. Sloppy kisses and all.
I hope that you can fill your own belt with tools to help you navigate your day to day both personally and professionally.
As my mother always said, “This too, will pass”.
If you prefer a quote from my favourite holiday movie, ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’, Cousin Eddie so eloquently stated, “Sh***er’s Full”.
And really, at this point of 2020, aren’t they alluding to the same message?
Happy Holidays and here’s to looking at a healthy, prosperous New Year!

Jenna Heacock (Gillespie)
Feedback or inquiries? We’d love to hear from you!
(ph) 403-291-3551